Saltwater HQ: Surf and Snorkel Rentals in Matakana

As some of you know Saltwater Eco relocated to Matakana Village a few months ago as we were lucky to snap up a primo location opposite the Matakana Primary School.

Over winter we’ve been busy toiling away, and with help from friends and family we now have a very nifty HQ.

The Saltwater HQ will be open on weekends for chats and surf/snorkel rentals, bookings and gift voucher purchases from November 26th.

Our of hours rentals can be arranged by calling/texting 021-04-33184

The HQ also doubles as our greenhouse for the native trees that we grow and plant on behalf of our clients so there’s always some potting up to do if you’re keen (full training provided).


For all the rental info and pricing click here.