
Introducing our new Sustain Range


It's taken us a while but it's finally here and we are super excited to introduce our new Saltwater Sustain Range. We've carefully selected quality surf, eco and ocean living products that use environmentally friendly, natural ingredients and promote non plastic alternatives.  [...]

Introducing our new Sustain Range2018-10-17T02:23:41+00:00

Mini Marine Biologist Holiday Program – New for 2017/18


We're really excited to be offering our brand new Mini Marine Biologist (MMB) program. MMB symbolises what Saltwater Eco are all about; facilitating learning and connection with the marine environment in a fun and interactive way!! As part of our Outdoor Classrooms [...]

Mini Marine Biologist Holiday Program – New for 2017/182017-11-26T17:47:15+00:00

Saltwater Connection – Blog Contribution for


Saltwater Eco bridges the gap between recreation and conservation offering you a saltwater connection through their surfing and snorkelling platforms. The best way to introduce Saltwater Eco is to start off by telling you a bit about myself and Kirst, the [...]

Saltwater Connection – Blog Contribution for

Celebrating Matariki with Marine Conservation


Matariki Marine Debris and Ocean Plastics Workshop in Matakana Village On Sunday 25th June Kirst ran an awesome Marine Debris and Ocean Plastics workshop in Matakana Village. The event was in celebration of Matariki (Maori New Year) and saw great [...]

Celebrating Matariki with Marine Conservation2017-07-04T19:21:33+00:00

Get Your Plant On – Community Planting Day 2017


Our Get Your Plant On Journey (words by Lyds): I've been running my own native re-veg project (re-establishing bush where it had previously been removed) for the last 6 years at my folk's lifestyle block in Kaipara Flats. When Saltwater Eco [...]

Get Your Plant On – Community Planting Day 20172019-04-15T22:03:16+00:00

Saltwater Eco get their “Plant On” at TOSSI’s July Planting Day


Massive thanks to Tawharanui Open Sanctuary Incorporated (TOSSI) for an awesome community planting day! Earlier this month the Saltwater crew joined a great bunch of hard working volunteers at TOSSI's July Planting Day. The weather forecast didn't disappoint and all [...]

Saltwater Eco get their “Plant On” at TOSSI’s July Planting Day2016-07-28T05:50:59+00:00

Saltwater Eco talking Marine Debris and Ocean Plastics


The Saltwater Eco crew are always eager to talk Marine Debris and Ocean Plastics, so we jumped at the chance to share our knowledge whilst helping out another passionate ocean advocate. Bethany Hudson from Mahurangi College had been investigating the [...]

Saltwater Eco talking Marine Debris and Ocean Plastics2019-04-15T22:03:17+00:00
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